Together with News City, the merged newsrooms of HLN, VTM NIEUWS and several magazines, we produced a unique podcast titled ‘Freek blijft slapen’.

News anchor Freek Braeckman stays the night with familiar faces like Nora Gharib, Wim Opbrouck, Helmut Lottie and Niels Destadsbader. Giving listeners an intimate glimpse into the real lives of Flemish celebrities, where no camera has ever been allowed.
The custom music was made by resident Pieter, who was also responsible for the montage (together with Stef). Resident Jeremy recorded the voice overs, Damien took care of the sound on set and Sofie did the editorial work and support. Sander was the creative coach on this project.

"Because we wanted to create a personal and intimate setting, with only Freek inside the house, we set up a mobile audio system to record and monitor remotely".
─ Sofie, editor