Get to know Bo
To be very honest: I just did it without really knowing what I was doing. That’s how I usually make the most progress in learning a new skill. By now, my trial and error method combined with education* and my focus on social skills, helped me to become more and more confident in directing and creating.
*Postgraduaat podcasting and many, many workshops / keynotes from various podcast makers/artists
Photo by Scorpio Sisters
Dear Grandma, you surely remember me as a child. Well, I still come up with stories, but now I record them or I find others who have beautiful stories and publish them on the dangerous world wide web.
Dear Opi, I’m trying to be just like you – a story teller, only I actually make money from it. Winner! 😉
My life’s theme song is Life’s a beach by Touch & Go. It has almost no lyrics, only ‘do do da da’ and ‘wave hello, wave goodbye, the way we live, the way we die’. It’s my go-to morning song, I never tire of it and it perfectly captures my morning vibe: a bit nostalgic to start off and then… the trumpet who makes you ready for the next interesting day. Let’s go!
And for my bio pic. I’m a huge Bo Burnham fan. He’s definitely not me or wouldn’t be the best to represent me, but I admire his self-deprecation and creativity very much. I imagine him singing: ‘I’m Bo yo’ in a movie about my life.
Photo by Scorpio Sisters