Say hi to Bo

Hi there! I'm a podcast creator, director, and editor, specializing in narrative and fiction productions. With a background in speech and drama therapy, you can often hear me in podcasts as the interviewer or narrator. To me, audio offers endless creative possibilities.

One of my greatest joys is directing people who are new to performing, from CEOs to 4-year-olds. I'm always ready to delve into fresh creative audio concepts or transform vague ideas into something tangible. Are you seeking the sound of your brand or organisation? Feel free to reach out - I'm eager to help you find it!

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Podcast maker
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Get to know Bo

How did you get started as a podcast maker?

To be very honest: I just did it without really knowing what I was doing. That’s how I usually make the most progress in learning a new skill. By now, my trial and error method combined with education* and my focus on social skills, helped me to become more and more confident in directing and creating.

*Postgraduaat podcasting and many, many workshops / keynotes from various podcast makers/artists

Photo by Scorpio Sisters

If you would have to explain to your mother or grandmother what it is you do, how would you describe it?

Dear Grandma, you surely remember me as a child. Well, I still come up with stories, but now I record them or I find others who have beautiful stories and publish them on the dangerous world wide web.

Dear Opi, I’m trying to be just like you – a story teller, only I actually make money from it. Winner! 😉

If your life had a theme song, what would it be and why? And who can play you in your bio pic?

My life’s theme song is Life’s a beach by Touch & Go. It has almost no lyrics, only ‘do do da da’ and ‘wave hello, wave goodbye, the way we live, the way we die’. It’s my go-to morning song, I never tire of it and it perfectly captures my morning vibe: a bit nostalgic to start off and then… the trumpet who makes you ready for the next interesting day. Let’s go!

And for my bio pic. I’m a huge Bo Burnham fan. He’s definitely not me or wouldn’t be the best to represent me, but I admire his self-deprecation and creativity very much. I imagine him singing: ‘I’m Bo yo’ in a movie about my life.

Photo by Scorpio Sisters

Opi’s speech
  • Giving the last word to grandpa
Discover project
Sara’s Mysteries
  • Non-fiction children's podcast
Discover project
All Residents